March 4–20, 2016
Casa del Prado Theatre
Directed by Ira Bauer-Spector
Adapted for the Stage by Dwayne Hartford
Based on the Book by Kate DiCamillo
Our 68th Season, 2015-2016
The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane
»Download PosterEdward Tulane, a handsome, self-assured china rabbit, is gifted to 10-year-old Abilene, who completely adores him and takes loving care of him. But one day, Edward becomes lost at sea, and his secure existence changes immediately. Edward finds that much of the world is new to him; he is caught in a fisherman’s net, lands in a garbage dump, finds a traveling companion in a happy hobo, and comforts a sick child, among many challenging encounters. Kate DiCamillo’s illuminating story is magnified on stage as we follow Edward through decades of adventures, all the while realizing his inner strengths, and learning the transformative power of love.
Based on Newbery-winner Kate DiCamillo’s beloved book, The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane is a breathtaking story of finding friendship, finding yourself, and eventually finding your way home. Follow Edward on a fantastical adventure worthy of literature’s greatest heroes.
A JT Premiere! Recommended for all ages. ASL-Interpreted performance, 2pm on Saturday, March 19, 2016.
Study Guide
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Edward Tulane - Cameron Britt
The Storyteller - Emily Ince
Abilene - Delanie Tasto
Lawrence - JC Calleros
Nellie - Kahlia Canada
Bul l- Pierre Cozic
Lucy the Dog - Riley Cox
Sarah Ruth - Gabriella Dimmick
Bryce - Giovanni Cozic
Pellegrina/Crow Pellegrina/Star - Fiona Beyerle
Musician/Old Doll/Marjory/Hobo - Tess Maretz
Lucious Clarke/Witch/Hobo - Lucas Gonzalez
Musician/Jack/Doll/Star - Nicole Lee
Shopper/Abilene's Father/Hobo - Lauren Basurto
Lolly/King/Star - Miranda Ferreira
Old Lady/Princess/Hobo - Sophia Herrera
Bryce's Father/Watchman/Star - Brett Atchison
Marlene/Prince/Society Lady/Hobo - Amani Payne
Neal/Cook/Hobo - Lian Gilor
Martin/Guard/Star - Rosa Brooks-Kamper
Musician/Amos/Guard/Star - Hannah Tasto
Crew (Partial)
Stage Manager - Jake Goldfarb
Asst Stage Manager - Becca Morrison
Light Board Op - CJ Rabine
Stagecrew - Yoyo Yang, Elizabeth Hendricks, Maya Flores, Alexandra Adsit
Costumes and Makeup - Katrina Heil
Box Office - Brenna Fineman
Usher - Samuel Hendricks
Adapted for the stage by Dwayne Hartford, from the book by Kate DiCamillo. The Miraculous Journey of Edward Tulane, copyright ©2006 by Kate DiCamillo. Originally published by Candlewick Press. Used with the permission of, and presented through special arrangement with, Pippin Properties, Inc., New York, NY. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, and the County of San Diego.