June 27, 2014–July 13, 2014
Casa del Prado Theatre
Directed by Joey Landwehr
Based on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz
Book by Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, Warren
Lockhart, Arthur Whitelaw and Michael L. Grace
Music by Larry Grossman
Lyrics by Hal Hackaday
Our 66th Season, 2013-2014
SNOOPY!!! The Musical
This musical sequel to You’re a Good Man, Charlie Brown finds the gang singing, dancing, and philosophizing in a whole new series of comic vignettes based on Charles M. Schulz’s beloved characters. Songs include “The World According To Snoopy,” “Don’t Be Anything Less Than Everything You Can Be” and “Edgar Allan Poe.”
Recommended all ages.
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Snoopy - Becca Myers
Charlie Brown - Joshua Shtein
Sally Brown - Shannon Barry
Lucy van Pelt - Colette Huber
Linus van Pelt - Jonathon Bartolomucci
Peppermint Patty - Sophia Oberg
Woodstock - Alissa Widdecke
Patty - Shayne Cole
Shermy - Jake Goldfarb
Violet - Penny Cohen
Schroeder - Luke Barbarita
Frieda - Nora Joyce
3 - Alexandra Adsit
4 - Katrina Heil
5 - Nathan Cooper
Marcie - Arielle Powell
Rerun - Giovanni Cozic
Truffles - Guadalupe Birckbeck
Pigpen - Anton Mabey
Eudora - Emily Ince
Emily - Sofia Bourche
Naomi - Francesca D'Amico
Larry - Avery Solsbak
Cormac - Justin Whitney
Charlotte Braun - Madeleine Williams
Jose Peterson - Tony Cabauatan
Shirley - Olivia Marquez
Sophie - Angelie Walker
Lila - Summer Kocher
Poochie - Tali Peled
Ruby - Nicole Lee
Tapioca Pudding - Camille Fundingsland
Joe Agate - Colin Roland
Loretta - Katy Dawson
Royanne - Mary Epperson
Lydia - Lillian Hedlund
Crybaby Boobie - Maggie Brown
Stage Manager - Evelyn Sparks
Asst Stage Manage - Spencer Whitney
Light Board Op - Ashton Bradshaw
Spots - Jordan Anichini, Jacob Rodebaugh
Sound Board Op - Spencer Lynn, Maia Larom
Stagehands - Jennifer Burch, Anand Larson, Julia Dawson
Costumes and Makeup - Gina Barba, Casey Purlia Johnson, Jazley Genovese, Yasmine Ruiz, Abby Scher
Box Office - Connor Marsh, Emma Wineman
House Manager - Larissa Garcia
Ushers - John Michel, Hayley O’Toole, Natasha Partnoy, Jaxon Poland, Michaela Griffin, Brielle Hanft
Based on the comic strip Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz. Book by Charles M. Schulz Creative Associates, Warren Lockhart, Arthur Whitelaw and Michael L. Grace. Music by Larry Grossman. Lyrics by Hal Hackaday. Originally produced by Arthur Whitelaw, Michael L. Grace and Susan Bloom. Originally directed by Arthur Whitelaw. SNOOPY!!! The Musical is presented through special arrangement with, and all authorized performance materials suppled by, Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc., 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Phone 212-688-9191. Fax 212-688-5656. www.tams-witmark.com. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, and the County of San Diego.