December 16, 1952–January 3, 1953
Old Globe Theatre
Directed by Jackson Woolley and Frank Crawford
Adapted for the stage by Harris Deans
Music by Robert Cox
Lyrics by Desmond Carter
Musical Arrangements by Ross Hastings
Based on book by William Makepeace Thackeray
Our 5th Season, 1952-1953
The Rose and the Ring
Set in the fictional countries of Paflagonia and Crim Tartary, The Rose and the Ring revolves around the lives and fortunes of four young royal cousins, Princesses Angelica and Rosalba, and Princes Bulbo and Giglio. Switched identities, pantomime, ballet, magic rings and roses, fairies and exciting intrigue ensue!
Thackeray’s satire for children was originally published in 1855, but was adapted for the stage in the 1922 by Harris Deans, as a ballet in 1949 by composer Walter Kaufmann, and popularized in CBS Television Workshop’s dramatized version shown on February 24, 1952.
This musical production of The Rose and the Ring was part of San Diego Community Theater’s annual Christmas Festival at the Old Globe Theatre. The festival ran nightly from December 16 through January 3, and included caroling on the greens, the joint production of The Rose and the Ring, and other entertainments. Main characters were played by adult members of the Community Theater under direction of Old Globe veteran Jackson Woolley, while 30 supporting roles were played by students from its Junior Theater Wing under the direction of Frank Crawford during four matinees.
A 17-year-old Lemon Grove local, Dennis Hopper, performed alongside Junior Theatre alumna Darlene Davies.
“He broke his leg before it opened,” Davies remembers, but he still “performed with a cast.” Younger actors portraying the woodcutter’s children did not have to act to look really scared. When Dennis Hopper jumped down from a table, the whole stage reverberated from the crash of his cast.
A JT Premiere! Recommended for all ages.
Choir of St John’s Episcopal Church of Chula Vista, the Salvation Army Band, the Kensington Church Choral group, the Mission Hills Congregational Church Choral group, and Lee Whitney’s Choral group
Cast (Partial)
Prince Giglio - Carl Christoph Jr
Betsinda - Margie Whitlowe
Prince Bulbo - Paul Robertson
Fairy Blackstick - Betty Statton
Countess Gruffanuff - Marge See
Count Gruffanuff - Elton Ellis
King Valoroso - Emorezh Yevelle
His wife, the Queen - Carolyn Jenks
His daughter, the Princess - Margaret Baumann
Supporting Roles - Louis Abramson, Donald Chadwick, Jack Dennis, Pauline Evans, David Gallagher, Bob Gunderson, Wes Heineke, Dennis Hopper, Robert Jenner, Fredric Rader, Ted Leonard, Leon Taylor
Elves, Fairies, Soldiers, Footmen, Pages, Etc - Mary Anderson, Sharon Barcom, Linda Burke, Ronald Chillo, Terry Corrigan, Patsy Elliott, Elton Ellis III, Marilyn Galvin, Darlene Geer, Clarice Gillis, Vickie Gleisner, Barbara Griffith, Karen Lee Hagey, Marsha Ann Hardege, Patsy Jones, Lorraine Keene, Ronald Kling, Judy Lawrence, Sue Lawrence, Allen Marshall, Donald McClintock, Gale McClung, Bonnie Day Norton, Russell Pierick, Betsy Rainbow, Gale Rundstron, Michael Schwartz, Donna Taylor, Valerie Webben, Ricky Wetzel
Stage Manager - Bill Easton
Set Design - Robert Corrigan
The Rose and the Ring; Thackery's "Fireside Pantomime for Great and Small Children." Adapted for the stage by Harris Deans. Music by Robert Cox. Lyrics by Desmond Carter. Based on The Rose and the Ring; or, the History of Prince Giglio and Prince Bulbo; a Fire-side Pantomine for Great and Small Children by William Makepeace Thackeray. Specially written for the Liverpool Repertory Theatre, and first produced by William Armstrong at The Playhouse, Liverpool, December 24, 1922. Produced by special arrangement with the Samuel French Company, New York, NY. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department.