August 23–24, 1946
Roosevelt Jr High School Auditorium
Directed by Lois De Lannoy and Beth Masterson
Adapted for the Stage by Ralph McKay
Music by John Ward
Choreographed by Frank Benham
Junior Theatre's Early Years, 1946
Sleeping Beauty
The second year’s major production from Children’s Theater, organized by the City of San Diego Recreation Department.
This adaptation of Sleeping Beauty was written by Ralph McKay (Children’s Theater business manager), directed by Lois De Lannoy and Beth Masterson, music composed by John Ward (music director) and choreographed by San Diego dancer Frank Benham (dance instructor, who created the ballet, peasant and court dances for the show). This show had a cast of more than 60 students, age 11-16! Theatre critic Constance Herreshoff quipped of the production’s scope, “almost everything was represented except the harbor commission and the animal and mineral kingdoms.”
Storyteller - Raymond Yanes
Prince - Robert Schumake
Princess Rosamund - Colleen Wagster
King - Michael Baranov
Queen - Shirley Ann Roth
The Wicked Fairy - Mary Ellen Norsworthy
Iris, Queen of the Skies - Roxanna Moyer
With - Georgia McLaughlin, Leah Dailard, Shirley Krasner, Sally Wagster, Honore Clark, Sherrel Hanson, Judy Cohen, Marie Christansen, Lois Christansen, Mary Pearce, Judith Kessling, Nadene Feiler, Mary Ward, Judy McKay, Frances South, Sue Kessling, Shirley Martin, Beverly Cohen, Betty Stewart, Patsy Norberg, Vivian Ruth, Norma Johnson, Martha Hoke, Mary Eoy, Bebe Tidereaux, Richard Ward, David Weisby, Jackson Frances, Bob Reuther, Barry Emerick, Charles McLaughlin, Lloyd Wright, James Warrington, Donald Feiler, Raymond Elliott, Franklin Bishop, Jimmy Hutchens, Donny Hanson
Soloist - Barbara Merrill
Dancers - Joan Clardy, Ernie Lou Barton, Mary Barton, Donna Kay Brazell, Jeanine Crofoot, Marilyn Wilt,Joyce Kostelic, Doreen Van Dine
Costumes - Mrs A.C. Arends
Sets and Props - Mr and Mrs William Wilt
Box Office - Mrs Ernest Barton, Alice Battistella
Sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Recreation Department.