July 24, 1952–August 1, 1952
Palisades Building, Balboa Park
Directed by Dorothy Hicks
Adapted by John McGreevey
From the Novel by Craig Rice
Our 4th Season, 1951-1952
The Thursday Murders
The Thursday Murders is an adaptation of Craig Rice’s novel The Thursday Turkey Murders. It featured the teenage students from the San Diego Community Theater Junior Wing summer workshops under the direction of Dorothy Hicks.
The comedy played in the newly renovated Puppet Theatre in the Palisades Building, Balboa Park, which had been closed during the war.
Suitable for all ages! A JT Premiere!
Mari Bauman, Judi Clutinger, Mary Ann Donaldson, Terry Garvey, Suzanne Harris, Albert Hernandez, Dan Holmes, Ole Kittleson, Carol Norman, Buddy Vernon
Ensemble - Pat Broach, Richard Collins, John Crawford, Carol Ann Daily, Janet Dillon, Mickey Fox, Barbara Joan Hall, Marilyn Mack, Betty Michaelis, Merrie Pearce, Kathy Peavler, Marcia Saxman, Rose Marie Schweigen, Jeanie Winn
Adapted by John McGreevey from the novel The Thursday Turkey Murders by Craig Rice. The Thursday Murders: A Mystery Play in Three Acts, presented by special arrangement with Dramatic Publishing Company, Chicago, IL.