January 2, 2009–February 18, 2009
Casa del Prado Theatre
Directed by Desha Crownover
Adapted for the Stage by Timothy Mason
From the Story by Mark Twain
Our 61st Season, 2008-2009
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain’s classic story of pre-Civil War life in a Mississippi River town comes to our stage. Twain created the now-familiar characters Tom Sawyer, Huck Finn and Becky Thatcher from his own childhood friends and experiences. Twain intended the book mainly for the entertainment of children, but he also wrote it to remind adults of who they once were.
Directed by JT artistic director Desha Crownover, the first rehearsal was Wednesday, Nov 12, 2008 from 4-6pm in Room 207 of the Casa del Prado Building in Balboa Park.
Recommended for ages 8 and older, for some intense situations. ASL-Interpreted performance, 2pm Sat, Jan 17, 2009.
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Tom Sawyer - Corey Hable
Huck Finn - David Gibbs
Mark Twain - Michael Barahura
Aunt Polly - Paige Pendarvis
Sheriff - Matthew Roberts
Muff Potter - Dane Petersen
Injun Joe - Alex Dunbar
Doc Robinson - Chase Clemesha
Reverend Forbes - Eric Nelson
Judge Thatcher - Matthew Reilly
Mrs Harper - Kelly Doran
Prosecutor - Carmen Quiñones
Mother Hopkins - Claire Williams
Miss Dobbins - Maddy Harvey
Becky Thatcher - Kayelle McConnell
Amy Lawrence - Sierra Kindig
Gracie Miller - Kailey Berry
Susan Harper - Faith Tomlin
Beth Parsons - Caroline Peck
Sally Jones - Emily Morrison
Sid - Mark Steitz
Joe Harper - Zachary Bunshaft
Ben Rogers - Josh Shtein
Jack Taylor - Darian Spencer
Will Hanley - Scott Roberts
Andy Tanner - Christopher Weeks
Saint Petersberg Citizens, Choir, Children - Marlene Paradee, Olivia Peck, Shannon Berry, Larissa Garcia, Maren Hale, Jennifer Brice, Miranda Vega, Hanna Samson, Michelle Brice, Madeline Williams, Noah Hocker, Roberto Quiñones
Based on The Adventhures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain. Adapted for the stage by Timothy Mason. Originally commissioned and produced by The Children’s Theatre Company, Minneapolis, MN. Produced by special arrangement with Plays for Young Audiences, a partnership of Seattle Children’s Theatre and Children’s Theatre Company - Minneapolis. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, and the County of San Diego.