July 31, 1953–August 1, 1953
Palisades Building, Balboa Park

Directed by Dorothy Hicks
Written by Charlotte B. Chorpenning

Our 5th Season, 1952-1953

Radio Rescue

Radio Rescue takes place in the 1940s — when people traveled mostly by trains, and amateur (“ham”) radio operators communicated across the globe using their ham radios to exchange messages and emergency communications. In this suspense drama, Sparky and Jill, two orphans living in the Millford Orphans’ Home, secretly build their own radio. One night, they receive an emergency call that the train tracks have been washed out. And it’s up to them to get word to the train!
Charlotte B. Chorpenning’s realistic youth play was first produced by the Goodman Theatre in Chicago.
Radio Rescue played in the Puppet Theatre of the Palisades Building in Balboa Park and featured junior and senior high school students from Junior Theatre’s summer session classes.
A Junior Theatre Premiere! Recommended for all ages.

Written for the Stage by Charlotte B. Chorpenning. Radio Rescue, a Play for Children, in Three Acts, presented by special arrangement with the Children’s Theatre Press, Anchorage, KY. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department.