April 24, 2015–May 10, 2015
Casa del Prado Theatre
Directed by James Saba
Music by Charles Strouse
Lyrics by Lee Adams
Book by David Newman and Robert Benton
Based Upon the Comic Strip Superman
by Jerry Siegel and Joe Shuster
Our 67th Season, 2014-2015
It's a Bird… It's a Plane… It's Superman
A pop art–flavored sendup of the comic book world, It’s a Bird... It’s a Plane... It’s Superman is a musical by Charles Strouse ( Annie ) that tells the story of the caped hero's efforts to protect Metropolis from Dr. Abner Sedgwick, a mad scientist, Max Mencken, a megalomaniacal gossip columnist, and a mysterious clan of under-employed acrobats.
»Download PosterWhile Superman tries to stop Dr. Sedgwick from destroying the city, Clark Kent, Superman’s alter ego, must also address a situation that starts in his office. A reporter there, Lois Lane, has fallen in love with Superman, but has no feelings for Clark. Max Mencken has become enamored with Lois too, and soon gains a hatred for Superman, who appears to be taking Lois away from him.
Come see if Superman can save the day in this Pow-, Crash-, and Boom-filled musical!
Recommended for all ages. ASL-Interpreted performance, at 2pm Sat, May 9, 2015. Friday night May 1, 2015 is Pajama Night!
Clark Kent / Superman - Connor Marsh
Lois Lane - Isabelle Pickering
Max - Sam Brogadir
Sydney - Casey Purlia Johnson
Sedgwick - John Michel
Jim - Garret Hoff
Madame Ling - Sophia Oberg
Perry White - Nick Asaro
Officer Henderson - Michaela Griffin
Cop - Jake Goldfarb
Ensemble - Alexandra Adsit, Nick Asaro, Fiona Beyerle, Sofia Bourche, Giovanni Cozic, Francesca D’Amico, Annabelle Foster, Jake Goldfarb, Michaela Griffin, Nicole Gustafson, Lorelei Howe, Emily Ince, Erin Longerbone, Gianna Merghart, CJ Rabine, Liana Robin, Brandon Saldivar, Zoe Seely, Luis Sherlinee, Sophia Valenti, Yoyo Yang, Diego Zepeda
Broadway production produced by Harold Prince, in Association with Ruth Mitchell. Directed for the Broadway Stage by Harold Prince. It’s a Bird... It’s a Plane... It’s Superman is presented through special arrangement with Tams-Witmark Music Library, Inc., 560 Lexington Avenue, New York, NY 10022. Phone 212-688-9191. www.tams-witmark.com. Superman is a registed trademark of DC Comics. Production sponsored in part by the City of San Diego Commission for Arts and Culture, the City of San Diego Park and Recreation Department, and the County of San Diego.