July 25–27, 1945
Roosevelt Jr High School Auditorium
False Pretenses
Written by Warren Beck
The Pampered Darling
Written by Beatrice Humiston McNeil
Directed by Lois De Lannoy and Beth Masterson
Junior Theatre's Early Years, 1945
1945 One-Act Plays
The first San Diego Children’s Theater summertime drama workshops were organized under the auspices of the City of San Diego Recreation Department by an advisory board of civic leaders and arts professionals. As most buildings in Balboa Park were still in use by the Navy, Roosevelt Junior High School was used for classes and rehearsals. The Children’s Theater program was directed by sisters Lois Masterson De Lannoy and Beth Masterson.
Lannoy and Masterson’s first productions were two one-act plays, performed by students of the workshop program.
False Pretenses
Written by Warren Beck, False Pretenses was performed by sixth grade students. A group of grade-school boys decide they need some new baseball gloves, but don't have enough money. They trick their girl schoolmates into loaning them the money, on the false pretenses of big guy “Red” being deathly ill. See what happens when the girls find out!
Bill - David Weisbly
Shorty - Gary Fisher
Jack - Bill Tucker
Dan - Eddie Seamon
Harry - James Budvarson
Marie - Wilma Kemp
Peggy - Joan De Foe
Kathleen - Barbara Mumby
Ruth - Mary Louise Logarra
Frances - Ernie Lou Barton
Rob - Charles Henson
The Pampered Darling
The Pampered Darling, written by Beatrice Humiston McNeil, was performed by junior high school students of the program.
Mrs Perkins - Mary Ellen Norsworthy
Connie Gibbons - Sharon Drossman
Janet Gibbons - Barbara Jones
Victor Gibbons - Ronald Foiler
Dudley Field - Robert Ranson
Norman Evans - R.L. Scott
Jessica Bacon - Jackie Paul
Joy Gaylord - Emerald Klinger
Annabelle Green - Sandra Shissell
Floyd Davis - Lloyd Wright
Dr Rudolph Von Hapsburger - Arthur Bunge
Music - Judy McKay
Past Performances
Presented through special arrangement with Baker’s Plays for Amateurs, Walter H. Baker, Boston. Productions sponsored in part by City of San Diego Recreation Department, and the City of San Diego.