Confetti members inspire and create opportunities through fellowship, community service, and professional development, in a fun and inclusive environment.
Social Events & Community Service
Confetti hosts a wide range of social events during the production season including JT Prom, the Haunted Theatre, December Nights and Confetti Movie Night. Confetti also lends support to a variety of charity events including AIDS Walk San Diego, Adopt-a-Family, beach clean-ups, feeding the homeless with St. Vincent De Paul, and collecting non-perishable food and clothing items for persons in need.
Become part of an incredible organization — we have a great deal of fun, cherish our friendships and develop fond memories, all while supporting the community, the arts and San Diego Junior Theatre.
There are perks to joining Confetti! Members receive one free class or workshop in fall, winter or spring sessions plus 50% off all additional classes and/or workshops. Additionally, members are automatically eligible to audition for fall, winter and spring shows without signing up for a class or camp. If you are going to be in high school in the upcoming school year and are interested in learning more about Confetti and the application process, please contact Joey Price, or call 619-239-1311.
We’re welcoming back an old Junior Theatre tradition! Join us on Saturday, November 2nd at 6:30pm for a Haunted House! Party on the stage with food and drinks at the end of your journey through the haunted backstage area of the Casa del Prado Theatre. Admission will be $10 (cash only) at the door. It’ll be a spooky fun time hope to see you there!