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Session 8: Tech Camp

with Various Instructors

$350 More Info

Grades 7-12

Session 8: August 5-9

What happens backstage is just as important as what happens on stage! Students will get hands-on experience learning about the many elements of technical theatre that help bring a story to life. Working with professional designers and technicians, students will gain exposure to lighting, sound, scenic and prop design. A great choice for teens with an interest in backstage work and fully rounding out their theatrical experience!


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Image uploaded by San Diego Junior Theatre

Grades 4-6

Session 7: July 29-August 2

Put pen to page and present your original stories on stage! Collaborate with your Teaching Artist and classmates to write and perform in an original play. Through collaborative brainstorming and writing sessions and rehearsals, delve into the exciting process of creating characters, developing plots and crafting dialogue. Harness your storytelling skills and perform your group’s one-of-a-kind creation for an audience on the final day of camp.


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Image uploaded by San Diego Junior Theatre

Behind the Scenes: Diary of a Wimpy Kid

with Isaac Vermiyle/ Gordon McLachlan

$250 More Info

Grades 4-12

What happens 'behind the scenes' is just as important as what happens on stage! Discover the secret world of putting on a show that the audience never gets to see: experience the backstage magic of technical theater!  Students will work with our professional designers and technicians to learn about the many elements of theatre that bring stories to life at JT, and the exciting opportunities that await as crew members! They'll gain hands-on experience in each of the backstage roles, and on the final day of the session will have the option to participate in painting the set for the upcoming Diary of a Wimpy Kid!

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