San Diego Junior Theatre would like to introduce the Director of Sleepy Hollow, Teri Ang! Teri has been involved with theatre since she was a little girl. She received her early training at Junior Theatre and she is proud to call herself a JT Alumni. For over 30 years Teri has been a Theatre Educator. She was fortunate to land a dream job with the San Diego Unified School District’s only elementary performing arts magnet school, (now closed). She taught theatre there for 26 years. Teri currently works as a theatre teacher at Horace Mann Middle school. She is also on the board of the San Diego Theatre Educators Alliance and Mira Mesa Theatre Guild. Her involvement in San Diego’s local theatre community keeps her busy. Teri just finished directing Big, the Musical for Pickwick Players. Yet happily, Teri cannot seem to get away from Junior Theatre. She has been a teaching artist, board member, JT mom and a show director. Some past shows Teri has directed at JT include Ivy & Bean, Lyle, the Crocodile, Cat in the Hat, and Tales of a 4th Grade Nothing.